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PCIe-GPS Network Card for GPS

The Masterclock PCIe-GPS card receives reference time from atomic clocks orbiting in GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites to provide the most accurate time and date information. When locked to GPS (and the PCIe), your PC accuracy is ±2 milliseconds with reference to the source. High-stability oscillator options increase holdover accuracy to up to ±250ms/year.
Manufacturer: Masterclock Inc.





  • Provides millisecond accuracy to applications in Windows 
  • Microsecond accuracy achievable through API development
  • API software development kit and documentation is provided
  • Outputs NMEA messages
  • Automatic Daylight Saving Time adjustments
  • Onboard long-life battery for Real Time Clock (RTC) retention
  • PCIe revision 2.0 – slot compatible X1 through X16
  • LED status indicator





  • Low profile PCIe card and bracket standard
  • Full height bracket also available
  • Length: 6.6 in (16.76 cm)
  • Height: 2.712 in (6.0.8 cm)


  • CE / FCC and RoHS Compliant

System Requirements

  • Runs under Windows Server 2003/2008 R2/2012 R2, Win XP 32 bit, Win 7/8/10 32 & 64 bit
  • Net Framework 4.0 and a Windows Visual Studios C++ must be installed

Available Options

  • HSO ─ Levels 1 and 2 upgrades
  • PCIe Sync-NTP software provides NTP reference for heterogeneous systems or LAN

GPS Antenna

  • Requires pre-amplified antenna, +3.3VDC
  • Basic magnetic and standard hard mount antennas available
  • Antenna cable lengths up to 500 ft (150 m)

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