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PCIe-TCR Network Card for Time Code

The PCIe-TCR card references time code sources including SMPTE, EBU and IRIG-B. This bus-level timing module provides millisecond accuracy to Windows applications; microsecond accuracy is achievable through API development. Both balanced and unbalanced time code inputs are supported. Whenever a time code source is not available or power is lost, the PCIe-TCR will generate its own time from an on-board oscillator. The high-stability oscillator (OCXO) option increases holdover accuracy to ±250ms/year.
Manufacturer: Masterclock Inc.





  • Accepts Time Code formats: SMPTE 24fps (Film), 25fps (EBU), 30fps NDF (Non-Drop Frame) and IRIG-B0 (unmodulated/pulse width modulated) and IRIG-B1 (amplitude modulated, 1kHz)
  • Provides millisecond accuracy to applications in Windows 
  • Microsecond accuracy achievable through API development
  • API software development kit and documentation provided 
  • Automatic Daylight Saving Time and date
  • Onboard long-life battery for real time clock (RTC) retention
  • PCIe revision 2.0 – slot compatible X1 through X16
  • LED status indicator



  • Low profile card and bracket standard
  • Length: 6.6 in (167.6 mm)
  • Height: 2.712 in (68.8 mm)
  • Full height bracket also available


  • CE / FCC and RoHS Compliant

System Requirements

  • Runs under Windows Server 2003/2008 R2/2012 R2, Win XP 32 bit, Win 7/8/10 32 & 64 bit
  • Net Framework 4.0 and a Windows Visual Studios C++ must be installed


  • HSO level ─ 1 and 2 upgrades
  • PCIe Sync-NTP software provides NTP reference for heterogeneous systems or LAN

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