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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positioning and timing services form the backbone of many applications and markets. Examples include tracking goods and vehicles, locating accident victims or rescue units, providing navigation for aircraft, time synchronization of power grids, communications systems, and stock exchanges. Many stakeholders rely on GNSS.
Civil GNSS services are free and available worldwide, but are poorly protected against accidental and even intentional interference. To secure the GNSS-based operation of your system regardless of location, we offer a portable GNSS quality assurance system. With OHB's GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System (GIDAS) Portable, you can monitor GNSS quality wherever it is needed.
When a fault is detected, the user is notified either through the user interface, by email, or through a custom interface. The system is operated via a web-based user interface, which can be accessed via the supplied tablet. The user interface can be accessed from any web-enabled device with a data connection, including remotely.
GIDAS Portable is powered by a 230-volt mains supply and can also be powered by a portable battery, optionally supported by a solar power source.
The core of GIDAS Portable consists of multiple interference and spoofing detection techniques developed over more than 20 years of research. The intelligent combination of different monitoring approaches provides a robust statement of the current local integrity of GNSS position and timing services.
GIDAS Portable is specifically designed for temporary installation or mobile use and can detect and classify a wide range of interfering and spoofing signals. In addition to fully autonomous operation, GIDAS Portable can also be operated as a portable monitoring sensor within a static GIDAS installation.
Lange-Electronic GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 29a
82216 Gernlinden
+49 8142 284582 0