OHB Digital


Time Displays in various wall-mount chassis, actually from 765mm up to 1520mm width, with high red LEDs (100mm height) showing HH:MM:SS, DDD:HH:MM:SS or YYYY:DDD:MM:SS. IRIG A or ...

The LL-8200-703 generates IRIG B and HaveQuick, works as a STRATUM I NTP time server and has additional timing outputs such as 1PPS, 10 MHz, or Sysplex. The device can be ...

Very versatile GPS synchronized time code generator with internal oscillator. Many options: inputs and outputs for time code, frequency, pulse (1PPS), special time codes such as ...

The LL-3765-200 reads HaveQuick (ICD-GPS-060A, STANAG 4430) or IRIG time codes (B, A, G), synchronises its internal time source to them, and distributes the time information to ...

The LL-3760 is a very precise GPS Timing Receiver. The unit outputs 10 Mhz and 1 pulse per second (1 pps) synchronized to the Navstar GPS System.

HaveQuick Generator / Reader with NTP server and Rubidium Clock

The LL-3525 is a GPS Synchronized Timecode Generator. With its help, time can be brought to places where no cable can be laid and where no signal reception is possible.

The LL-3220-FO is a fibre optic time distributor for IRIG DCLS or HaveQuick time codes with up to 16 x ST connector fibre optic outputs for multimode cables.

The LL-3220-XX Signal Distribution Unit is buildt modular to meet each of our customers needs. The system is designed to distribute analog and/or digtal signals as well as IRIG ...

The KL-3400 Real Time Ensemble Clock combines up to fifteen high precision timing inputs to an 1PPS or 10MHz output signal more stable than any of the input signals.

The KL-3360 Time and Frequency Monitor is designed to monitor and compare Time- and Frequency- Systems.

The KL-3320 Clean-Up Oscillator measures the frequency of up to eight atomic clocks such as maser, caesium or rubidium atomic clocks, defines the best time source, outputs it ...

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