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Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations already provide a variety of benefits, from communications to imaging to disaster detection and mitigation. The next generations of LEO constellations will provide users around the world with specialized positioning, navigation, and timing services, as well as high-speed wireless data links, and open up new opportunities for areas with limited communications technologies.
With these great opportunities come a number of challenges, including:
SimORBIT is an advanced orbit propagation tool that allows the computation and modeling of LEO satellite orbits with a very high accuracy (in either ECEF or ECI coordinates). This tool implements a dynamic model specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of precise orbit determination for LEO satellites. The high accuracy of the software tool is made possible by state-of-the-art models that take into account the main disturbances affecting satellites.
With SimORBIT, the user can:
Specifications / Features
Lange-Electronic GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 29a
82216 Gernlinden
+49 8142 284582 0