

The LL-3220-FO is a fibre optic time distributor for IRIG DCLS or HaveQuick time codes with up to 16 x ST connector fibre optic outputs for multimode cables.

The LL-3765-200 reads HaveQuick (ICD-GPS-060A, STANAG 4430) or IRIG time codes (B, A, G), synchronises its internal time source to them, and distributes the time information to ...

The KL-3320 Clean-Up Oscillator measures the frequency of up to eight atomic clocks such as maser, caesium or rubidium atomic clocks, defines the best time source, outputs it ...

HaveQuick Generator / Reader with NTP server and Rubidium Clock

Spirent PNT X is a revolutionary positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) simulator that addresses the increasing complexity of the PNT environment.

Live sky synchronization solution for Spirent GNSS simulators

Software for simulation of LEO satellite constellations, complementary to GSS9000 or GSS7000

Portable Spirent GNSS simulator for on-site testing (OTA and wired)


System for detecting interference of the GNSS signal due to jamming, spoofing or unintentional jamming.

Portable system for detecting interference to the GNSS signal from jamming, spoofing or unintentional jamming.

No-hardware Lizent von SimGEN

GNSS Simulator & Synchronization Time Firewall for NTS-3000, NTS-4000 and NTS-5000 Anti-jamming/spoofing - isolates Elproma time server from physical GNSS

Active GPS anti-jamming filter for NTS NTP/PTP timing server - time firewall subsystem

Precise distribution of any frequency from 1 PPS up to 10 MHz, time code signals IRIG, AFNOR, NASA, decoded GNSS signals and many others.

Galileo OSNMA Simulation zum Test von Navigations-Empfängern

Spirents GNSS Foresight ist ein cloudbasierter Vorhersagedienst, der 3D-Karten von Städten mit ihren Gebäuden und anderen Empfangshindernissen und Multi-GNSS-Informationen nutzt, ...

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