

SimINERTIAL Integrated GPS/Inertial & Inertial Sensor test system

Using SimINERTIAL with a Spirent simulator provides real-time emulation from the laboratory. Either simulates the Inertial Test inputs of several types of Integrated GPS/Inertial (IGI) navigation sensors or emulates the presence of an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).
Category: GNSS Simulation
Manufacturer: Spirent Communications

Fast-track your inertial system testing

Testing the full operational performance of GPS/inertial systems usually requires expensive and time-consuming field testing on an appropriate moving vehicle platform. The SimINERTIAL system emulates inertial sensor outputs while concurrently simulating GPS RF signals, thereby enabling controlled, repeatable testing of integrated GPS and inertial units, and reducing the need for field trials.




Features & Benefits

Faster testing
Using SimINERTIAL with a Spirent simulator provides real-time emulation from the laboratory, so reducing the time needed for field trials substantially.
Easy to use
SimINERTIAL is equipped with fully user-configurable sensor error modelling and supports a range of popular Inertial formats. New test scenarios can readily be established, running in real-time, with no pre-processing required.
Fully integrated
The SimINERTIAL architecture is compatible with a wide range of Inertial sensor simulations. NATO STANAG and Atlantic Inertial Systems are supported, as well as a wide range of Honeywell and Northrop Grumman IGI and IMU interfaces, for authorized customers.
Spirent's optional SimDATA product can also be used to fulfil core control and display unit (CDU) functions.


The SimINERTIAL packages enhance the capability of Spirent Simulation systems by adding the capability to either simulate the Inertial Test inputs of several types of Integrated GPS/Inertial (IGI) navigation sensors (also known as EGIs) or to emulate the presence of an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). These packages allow IGI’s to be dynamically tested in the laboratory in terms of generation of Inertial-only, GPS-only or blended GPS/Inertial position solutions, or for GPS receiver systems to be tested whilst being aided or assisted by data from an emulated IMU.


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