Timing equipment for all synchronisation tasks


LL-3765-200 Time Code to NTP/PTP Converter

The LL-3765-200 reads HaveQuick (ICD-GPS-060A, STANAG 4430) or IRIG time codes (B, A, G), synchronises its internal time source to them, and distributes the time information to NTP, PTP, 10MHz and 1PPS
Category: Timing Equipment
Manufacturer: Lange-Electronic GmbH

The LL-3765-200 is a time code to NTP/PTP converter




The device reads HaveQuick (ICD-GPS-060A, STANAG 4430) or IRIG time codes (B, A, G), synchronises its internal clock with the incoming time code and provides the time information to the clients via NTP or PTP protocol in addition 10MHz and 1PPS timing signals.

Depending on its internal time source, selectable OCXO or Rubidium, the device offers different degrees of precise holdover time. With internal rubidium, the time drift is approximately 1µsec per day.

The device can run as a synchronised clock or as a time code "repeater" of an external reference.

Redundant inputs and redundant power supplies are available for high security.

If the system is equipped with redundant time code inputs, two general operating modes can be selected:

  • Using the better quality input (e.g. TFOM) or
  • switching only if the master input fails.

The timing inputs and outputs can be ordered as fibre optic or COAX.

Optionally, with internal Rubidium atomic clock, unexpected behaviour of the timing reference input, indicating jamming or spoofing attacks, can be detected by software.

Key Features

  • Reads IRIG B DC time codes incl. B004,..,007 with year specification
  • Fibre optic inputs available
  • Redundant power supply option
  • Various options for the internal time source:
    • OCXO
    • Rubidium
  • 2 x SFP connections for NTP
  • Alarm relay dry contact

Available Options

  • Internal GNSS receiver (dual band)
  • NMEA Data Input (+1PPS)
  • HaveQuick Time Code
  • ICD-GPS-060A
  • STANAG 4430
  • Rubidium
  • 1, 5 and 10 MHz (sine, TTL, or fibre optic)
  • 1PPS
  • IEEE1588 PTPv2 Grandmaster

Further customisations according to project specifications are possible on request.

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