Time & Frequency


LL-8200 Time Code System

Very versatile GPS synchronized time code generator with internal oscillator. Many options: inputs and outputs for time code, frequency, pulse (1PPS), special time codes such as HaveQuick, NTP server
Manufacturer: Lange-Electronic GmbH





The LL-8200-700 is a GPS synchronized IRIG Time Code Generator. The unit can operate as plain TCG, synchronized TCG, GPS-synchronized TCG and Time Code Reader. Besides this, it is able to read and output a time code almost simultaneously.
As Time Code Generator the unit develops serial time codes (IRIG B or HQ) for distribution of time information and synchronisation of other equipment. Also other timing signals are available, 1PPS (1Hz) as on time marker and different frequencies. A BCD time code as option is available with µsec resolution.

The basic unit with IRIG B in- and output containes a 9 digit display of Time of Year and an IRIG generator/translator/sync-generator board. The intensity of the display can be programmed, the system time can be set either manually or via front panel controls. Various kinds of options are available, e.g. GPS Synchronisation, various Time Code and Frequency Outputs, a NTP Time Server Board, a Sysplex Timer Output or Video Time and Data Insertion.


Key Features:

  • Modular construction offers client-specific customization
  • Generator or Sync Generator
  • GPS synchronized optional GLONASS and Galileo
  • IRIG B Output
  • optional Time Code, Frequency and Pulse Outputs
  • 10MHz Output
  • IRIG Reader with program-mable Error Frame Bypass
  • Optional HaveQuick Output and HaveQuick Reader
  • Optional NTP Time Server
  • Optional Sysplex Output
  • All operating controls and status indicators located at the front panel.




Oscillator from OCXO (1x10E-8 aging) to Rubidium Oscillator
Frequency Outputs 10 MHz, optional 5 MHz and 1 MHz, sinewave
Pulsrates 1PPS, 10PPS, 100PPS, 1kPPS, 10kHz, 100kHz, TTL Level
GPS 12-channel GPS Receiver or optional Multi GNSS GPS/GLONASS Receiver
Time Codes IRIG B, HaveQuick (STANAG 4246, ICD-GPS-060, STANAG 4430, STANAG 4372 and others), optional: IRIG A, IRIG E, IRIG G and IRIG H
Time Server: NTP v2 (RFC 1119), NTP v3 (RFC 1305), NTP v4 (RFC 5905), SNTP v3 (RFC 1769), SNTP v4 (RFC 2030)
BCD Output ms to days or µsec to hours versions available
Sysplex Output RS-232 Interface with all available Sysplex formats



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