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HaveQuick Generator / Reader with NTP server and Rubidium Clock
Precise distribution of any frequency from 1 PPS up to 10 MHz, time code signals IRIG, AFNOR, NASA, decoded GNSS signals and many others.
The LL-8200-703 generates IRIG B and HaveQuick, works as a STRATUM I NTP time server and has additional timing outputs such as 1PPS, 10 MHz, or Sysplex. The device can be ...
Very versatile GPS synchronized time code generator with internal oscillator. Many options: inputs and outputs for time code, frequency, pulse (1PPS), special time codes such as ...
The GPS500 is a precision IRIG-B or SMPTE time code generator. It provides a source of very stable time code, referencing time and date information from atomic clocks in the GPS ...
Lange-Electronic GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 29a
82216 Gernlinden
+49 8142 284582 0