Highly accurate master clocks with redundant time reference


The KL-3320 Clean-Up Oscillator measures the frequency of up to eight atomic clocks such as maser, caesium or rubidium atomic clocks, defines the best time source, outputs it ...

NTS-5000 is a Rubidium+OCXO holdover advanced time server,equipped with 2 independent GNSS receiver inputs.

The KL-3400 Real Time Ensemble Clock combines up to fifteen high precision timing inputs to an 1PPS or 10MHz output signal more stable than any of the input signals.

The GMR5000 is a time server that can reference a variety of timing sources and provide a range of outputs including NTP, PTP, SMPTE, and IRIG-B.

The LL-3760 is a very precise GPS Timing Receiver. The unit outputs 10 Mhz and 1 pulse per second (1 pps) synchronized to the Navstar GPS System.

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