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ID: 2296792

SAP Ariba Business Network

ANID: AN01449272494


ID: 96078

We are a member of specialist associations


German Society for Positioning and Navigation

The purpose of the society is to promote science and research, technology and the application of positioning and navigation and thus contribute to the safety, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of shipping, aviation, space travel and land transportation; to this end, experts and interested parties from authorities, science, industry and users work together.


The European Society of Telemetry

Arbeitskreis Telemetrie e.V

is a non-profit organisation and has the following aims:
Promotion of the exchange of experience of its members in the fields of Telemetry, Test-Instrumentation and Telecontrol
Information of a large public on the fields of Telemetry, Test-Instrumentation and Telecontrol by organising conferences and exhibitions
Search and furthering of the cooperation with corresponding internal and external organisations
Collection and extension of scientific information in the related fields 
Cooperation with standardisation organisations



Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt

As an association and according to its statutes, the DGLR promotes with its and for its members:

  • the development of perspectives for the aerospace sector;

  • the solution of scientific, technical and technological tasks in the aerospace disciplines;

  • the training of young professionals;

  • informing the public about the importance of aerospace.


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