PNT topics in the Lange-Electronic blog

Time Transfer Units

Transfer precise time and frequency manually

In some places, no cable can be laid and no radio signal can be received, but precise timing is still required for synchronization.

The construction of some ships does not allow cable ducts through thick walls, while at the same time preventing successful radio reception inside. Even underground, no time signal penetrates, laying cables is difficult, yet precise time and frequency may be required to synchronize systems.

This problem can be solved with our time transmission units. Their internal clock is synchronized using GNSS or external timing signals. The GNSS antenna is mounted directly on the housing. The unit is set up with good reception or connected to a master clock by cable. Once synchronization is complete, the system can be carried to the location where the time information is required.

In the meantime, an OCXO or Rubidium ensures that the internal clock of the Time Transfer Unit continues to run stably.

The Time Transfer Unit then transmits the IRIG or Havequick time code, pulse or frequency via a cable connection to the system to be synchronized.

The design of the system is based on the project requirements.

What accuracy is required?
What time and frequency outputs does it need to offer?
How long and how stable must the device run freely after it has been synchronized?
Which external time and frequency source is used, GNSS or an existing time?
How long does the battery life need to be?
Are there any special requirements for the housing?

Do you need any further information?

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